Thank you for your interest in participating in the Spirit of the Buffalo Pow Wow and Native American Festival.
The Pow Wow is an outdoor event held each year in during the last week of January and first week of February during the busiest weeks of Florida’s tourism season. The International Market World is a large flea and farmers market that operates every Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the year. The flea market draws between 5,000 to 10,000 visitors each weekend, it’s no wonder the Pow Wow event benefits from such built-in foot traffic. The event is also promoted on TV, radio, billboard, magazine and social media channels.
Vendor booth spaces are setup around a large Big Top tent where the event activities take place. All vendors are required to use white fire-retardant tarps/tents. Electric service is available but limited to selected areas. All vendors are expected to comply with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990. This law prohibits misrepresentation in marketing of American Indian arts and crafts products within the United States. For more details see:
If you are not selling authentic Native American hand-crafted items, we would encourage you to explore vendor opportunities at the Market World flea market.
Craft Vendors
Vendors selling authentic Native American hand-crafted items have two options to reserve booth space. Vendors can fill out an online Google form application or download, complete and return the PDF vendor application.
Craft Vendor Application (Google Form)
Craft Vendor Application (PDF)
Each year we accept a limited number of applications for demonstrators and/or entertainers. Demonstrators agree to provide free workshops on various Native American cultural topics such as beadwork, flint knapping, tipi construction, and food preparation. Click on the link below to download a demonstrator application.
Demonstrator Application (PDF)
Snack Vendors
Snack vendors selling packaged food and beverages that are subject to Florida cottage food laws. Sauces, honey and jellies are examples of items that would fall under the snack vendor category. Click on the link below to download a snack application.
Concession Vendors
We have one concession opportunity available for the 2025 event. We are looking for a concession vendor interested in selling one of the following traditional Native American dishes: Buffalo Burgers, Frybread, Acorn Bread, Three Sisters Soup, Pemmican, Buffalo (Or Beef) Stew, Pine Nut Catfish, Baked Pumpkin, Pork Roast, Succotash or Fried Green Tomatoes. Please Call 863-665-0062 for more details.
Important Dates
Vendor Setup Information
Click here to view vendor setup information